Friday, July 9, 2010 | By: Tangy

The cost of being healthy

So I have taken some new pictures. If you know me, you know I am constantly taking new pictures of myself! lol I guess I like reminding myself how far I've come and where I'm at now and where I need to go! I can start to see some muscle definition but of course there is that lovely layer covering it all up! Hopefully soon I can kiss that layer good-bye!

Today was a hard day for me. I was doing great until about 4 this afternoon. Breakfast was the same egg scramble as yesterday, only all egg whites this time. Mid-morning snack was a banana with peanut butter. Lunch was oatmeal--1 cup cooked oats, 1 tbsp brown sugar, walnuts, craisins, cinnamon, and 2 tbsp wheat germ. So good! I did p90x cardio x for my workout. Then I had a cherry blossom smoothie--my name for one of my best smoothies! 15 fresh cherries, pitted and halved, 1/2 cup ff plain yogurt, 1 scoop chocolate whey, 1/8 cup haagen dazs vanilla ice cream, and a handfull of ice (I will try to remember to take photos in the future!) Then around 4pm, I started getting so hungry! I didn't experience that at all yesterday and today I just did not feel prepared! I caved and had a string cheese and half a chicken breast--not so bad, I know, but still--I didn't want to have to eat anything til my next meal!

I was so torn tonight for supper. I wanted it so bad to be a clean meal but I was hosting movie night at my house for my aunt, my sister, and my nephew. And of course my kids as well. I didn't have enough food to make a big meal for everyone--really setting myself up for failure there! I think in the future I can use these nights as opportunities to try out new recipes. I knew they wanted to order pizza, so I was thinking about making my own on the english muffins in my kitchen. I just happened to check the label and whoa. Like 20 different ingredients, most of which the average person could not pronounce. SO not clean. ugh. The take-out pizza would have home-made fresh dough, freshly prepared sauce, real cheese...nothing whole-grain. Which is better for you?? I ate four slices of pizza. The square-cut kind, so not huge pieces, but I still am second-guessing my decision. Definitely too much sodium. That, I can taste. I had literally two Fritos, just as impulses, and I do feel bad about that. My aunt brought over a(n open) bag of pretzel m&ms--omg. why. did. she. do. that. I had at least 20 of them. I'm a sucker for sweet and salty. And she brought over my favorite cheesy bean dip--but I resisted, besides the two chips I had dipped in it. I fought back. I sliced up two apples from the fridge and loaded them onto my empty plate and munched on those instead of chips and dip. Go me. lol

I realized I really need to get my whole kitchen prepared to whip up a healthy dish at a moment's notice. I looked up tons of healthy, yummy-looking recipes from another blog and started thinking...I don't have any of these ingredients in my house! I need to spend two week's worth of groceries on one trip just to get my healthy clean essentials! And that isn't all that I need. I started making a mental list of everything I will need for my new lifestyle. I think every purchase will be worth every penny, but I never really realized how much I had to invest in myself to become healthy and get the body I've always wanted!

Things I really really want, in order of importance
  • a kitchen full of clean foods. Pastas, rices, beans, non-dairy milks such as coconut, almond and soy, agave nectar, organic corn meal, grain-sweetened chocolate chips, grains, and the list goes on and on... $300
  • food processor to make a lot of the foods I want to try...$150
  • rolling pin, parchment paper, also for cooking...$30
  • new running shoes--whatever kind the running store suggests I should get after evaluating my current shoes and seeing my stride...$100
  • pairs of 20, 25, and 30 lb dumbbells...$222
  • new yoga mat--mine is old, cheapy, yucky, and not cushiony...$15
  • new workout clothes--I am severely lacking here....$300
  • 2 20 lb kettlebells...$94
  • Lauren Brooks kettlebell dvd...$39

grand total...$1250. And that's just my short list. **sigh**


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